DGL Sports is NOW pleased to offer our customers quality sports memorabilia items in an online auction environment.
Our auctions will run over a 7 day time period, although there may be occasions when we will run more than one auction at one time and possibly overlap. You will be able to register for all our auctions via the DGL Sports website (www.dglsports.ca).
Each auction may have up to 50 items. All you need to do to participate is a one-time registration. which will allow participation via your home computer, Ipad or mobile device.
We hope you will enjoy being involved in this brand new service and allow our customers to have even greater access to outstanding, top of the line, sports memorabilia items. Good Luck!!
Partial net proceeds to go local charities designated by DGL Sports Enterprises Ltd.
Come back for information on the date of our next sports memorabilia auction.